Custom / Special Requests
Cutrite has, over the span of our history, created thousands of brilliantly stunning custom pieces for our clients. Unfortunately, many were fabricated prior to the advent digital media, so we do not have images of these unique items. In the space below, we will exhibit some recent and more distinctive projects, our clients have asked us to produce.
Custom paint-grade panels for a kitchen island
Two side panels have a large circular “ring pattern”with panels within. All work was first designed on CAD programs, based on our customer’s specifications, and then all patterns/jigs were cut on our CNC. All shaping/machining work had to be done by hand, and assembly was done in stages to achieve perfect joints. The kitchen island also has a somewhat large wainscot panel… it’s 107” long!
Rustic Alder triple-triangle doors
All work was first designed on CAD programs, based on our customer’s specifications, and then all patterns/jigs were cut on our CNC. All shaping/machining work had to be done by hand, and assembly was done in stages to achieve perfect joints. To attain an exact and precise final fit, the three section's outside edges were sized on our CNC.
Paint grade "triangle-topped" doors
More angular work ... gotta love these angle doors that will be placed into a nook under the client's staircase. 
Simple and appealing ... roman half-arched shaker frames.
Sometimes simple is ideal ... custom arches, where 2 frames complete a single visual arch, over the tops of the entertainment unit doors.
Solid cherry with raised panels, range-hood arch
We produce these custom arches, on a regular basis. Out clients know, that we can make their visons come to light. Give us a drawing with enough information, and we can produce something unique and stunning for you.
"Notched" cherry shaker doors
Our customer asked if we could build them a pair of cherry shaker doors, with opposing 'notched' corners to fit around a wooden beam. We delivered.
Applied Moulding, 1" thick doors withs "legs".
We have been creating doors with applied mouldings for a very long time, but every once in a while, you must fulfill a customer's wishes ... such as making "legs" on the bottoms of their gorgeous pieces.
Really "heavy" custom arches
If regular arched doors are good ... then doors with dino-arches must be better. Definitely a different visual appeal, but we made it happen for our client.
Collection of uniquely large and oversized items
Just a collection of some larger pieces, unique touches to them. Those braces were rather substantial.
At Cutrite, we combine exceptional materials, unrivalled quality and superior craftsmanship with state of the art technology to create the most striking cabinet doors.